
Monday 9 August 2010

The Terrace Gardner is a Sleepless One

Just when I thought I was making progress with my jet lag, I woke this morning at 4:14 AM. Actually, I was up before that, but made a serious attempt at falling asleep before accepting that my need for caffeine was greater than my need for rest. I brewed a cup of chai and resisted the urge to begin gardening. Thankfully my latest obsession is a constructive one. 

I've never really loved plants. My mother has an extremely green thumb and can not only grow just about anything, but can resuscitate plants previously thought dead. I've always been good at getting them to the dead phase. However, just over a year ago, Pranav and I decided to get a couple terrace plants and we've been trying ever since to keep them alive. Overall they're in good shape, though only two of our original three are still with us. When my parents came to visit last spring, my father surprised me by adding a couple more plants to our garden (seven pots holding 11 plants to be exact.) Needless to say, they didn't all make it.

Without going into too much detail or the history of how we got to this point, here's what we have left:
  1. Four Bougainvilleas (2 bright pink, 2 that can't seem to decide what colour they are and bloom alternately in white and peach)
  2. One small Curry Tree 
  3. Three Crown of Thorns cacti
  4. One Red Moon Cactus
  5. One Celery Root
  6. One Palm
  7. One Fern
  8. Two dissimilar unidentifiable specimens (one, a little tree with curly white and green leaves, the other a plant with double shaded round green leaves)
I'll be attempting to germinate an Habanero pepper plant in the coming week, and I received a packet of "dhanta sag" seeds when I purchased some fertilizer 3 months ago. Nope, I have no clue what "dhanta sag" is, but I'm just dying to find out. Please let it be edible. That's all I have to say in this blurb. When I get back on Bangalore time, I'll resume a more consistent blogging schedule. Ciao for now!